
How can you login to the digital portal?

Click on respective user group (i.e Center, State, ULB, MRF or Company) and provide your credentials to sign in. Please note that all credentials for states, cities and ULBs are same as for swachtam portal. MRF users are required to get the facilities registered through the city, as they are authorised to create new facilities under their jurisdiction. Upon registering, MRF users will get password on their provided email ID. Companies need to sign up on the portal through company login page and provide all necessary information for centre to check and approve their signup. Upon approval, company user will get the password on email provided while registering.

What is Sansaadhan?

Sansaadhan is a digital monitoring platform that enables national, state, and city level agencies to regularly monitor the progress of material recovery facilities (MRFs) under their jurisdiction. Through this platform national framework conditions are also getting developed for helping cities report in a unified manner. This digital platform also establishes information exchange mechanism between MRFs and companies engaged in recycling activities and energy recovery- facilitating movement of materials back to circular economy loop. Companies can search for their desired materials across the country MRFs and establish contact for initiating the trade. Companies can also get a “Thank you certificate” from cities for completing the transactions via city MRFs.

How will sansaadhan connect different user groups?

Companies can sign in and use button “Material Search” to find location of their desired materials. Upon entering a state location, the portal takes a company to city specific locations, and upon entering city specific location, the users get access to specific MRFs which has the desired materials. Companies need to send an Enquiry by clicking on the enquiry button. A unique enquiry number is allocated, and company user can now click on respective MRF name and get email ID and contact number of this MRF for making transactions offline. MRF and Company users can also use the chat option to interact with each other. Upon sending the enquiry, contact details of company sending the enquiry are also made accessible to MRF user. Successful transactions can also be upload unpriced purchase order against which MRF can upload Invoice and Lorry receipt for a city to generate a “Thank you certificate” against this enquiry number.

I am a company user, who had raised an enquiry and now don't wish to pursue this further. How can I close my enquiry?

You may choose to close the particular enquiry under Enquiry button. Please note, upon closing this enquiry, you won’t be able to chat with MRF or upload any document.

How can a city benefit with sansaadhan?

City MRFs are required to upload daily progress on the portal. For all materials with different colour, condition and packaging the MRF user is required to post progress every day. However, keeping in mind remote locations and low internet availability in some parts, the portal allows mrf user to post data of any day in past 2 weeks. Upon entering the materials available for recycling, these materials are visible to users across the country for establishing contact and purchasing these. The progress entered my MRF demonstrates the material subcategories which are getting diverted to various pathways, showcasing the problematic materials and fast-moving materials through city MRFs. Thus, helping city, state and national level stakeholders to make informed decisions and help route materials back to circular economy loop.

How can a company sign up?

Companies need to sign up on the portal through company login page and provide all necessary information for centre to check and approve their signup. Upon approval, company user will get the password on email provided while registering. Please note your registration certificate, GST registration, PAN, Adhaar copies will be required to be uploaded while signing up on the portal. Please provide email ID and contact number which MRF users can use to contact you back, once you have raised an enquiry.

How can a company (trader/recycler/energy recovery unit) benefit through Sansaadhan?

Company user can find materials throughout the country and make connections to transact. Post-consumer waste from cities is made available through MRFs. Materials which are non-recyclable but have high calorific value can also be taken up by energy recovery units as alternative fuel. EPR benefits can also be availed through PIBOs who wish to get specific material subcategories collected for recycling /energy recovery from cities. However, for getting Thankyou certificate from city for energy recovery, user will have to upload appropriate disposal certificate from end user against the invoice and LR uploaded by MRF.

What information is publicly available on sansaadhan?

Performance of states in terms of recycling from MRFs is available for public preview. Different materials available in stock during this year are also available for view to public.

How can I get support in case of any issue with the portal?

Please connect through support button on specific login page. You will also have access to user manual on your specific login page.