Terms and Conditions
1. **Accuracy and Currency of Content**:
- Efforts are made to ensure the accuracy and currency of the website's content.
- The content should not be construed as legal advice.
- Users are advised to verify the information with the Ministry or other sources and seek professional advice.

2. **Liability**:
- The Ministry is not liable for any loss, damage, or expense arising from the use of the website.
- This includes indirect or consequential loss or damage.

3. **Governing Law**:
- The terms and conditions are governed by Indian laws.
- Disputes are subject to the jurisdiction of Indian courts.

4. **External Links**:
- Links to non-government/private organizations are provided for convenience.
- The Ministry does not guarantee the availability or accuracy of linked pages.
- Users must request authorization from the linked website owners for the use of copyrighted materials.

Sansaadhan Digital Platform
- Sansaadhan is a monitoring platform for material recovery facilities (MRFs).
- It helps national, state, and city agencies monitor progress in material recovery.

- Assists in tracking progress across various material categories.
- Develops national framework conditions for unified city reporting.

**Information Exchange**:
- Facilitates connections between MRFs and recycling companies.
- Enables companies to search for materials and initiate trade.
- Provides companies with "Thank you certificates" for completed transactions via city MRFs.

- Based on strong research involving stakeholders like traders and recyclers.
- Formats were pilot tested before the portal's development.

- Supports the circular economy by facilitating material movement back into the economy.
- Enhances informed decision-making by authorities through regular monitoring.

- The Ministry does not guarantee the compliance of linked websites with Indian Government Web Guidelines.
- Users should be aware that by selecting an external link, they are subject to the privacy and security policies of the external site.

Privacy Policy
- The privacy policy for the Sansaadhan platform can be accessed via the provided link (Privacy policy link).

This comprehensive summary provides an understanding of the website's terms and the functionality of the Sansaadhan platform, ensuring users are informed about their usage and the related responsibilities.